It’s really
strange that a Norwegian couple given birth a creature which just looks like an
Elephant Baby. It has all the limbs that an elephant belongs to. Alexander the
father of that creature tried hard to keep this secret but somehow it got flash
to the media. After reveals; lots of people are coming to their thresholds to
see a glimpse of that baby. Alexander family got totally disturbed as people
are harboring outside their home. It has been said by the Alexander family that
they are keeping the baby at present in their basement and feed it from time to
time. Initially they decided to sell it to India so that they keep this
creature in the Great Taj Mahal. As it looks like an elephant, it has been born
in the form of their God Ganesh, so they care and keep this baby in safe and
sound position.Source:
Home / Uncategories / Breaking News Norwegian Lady Given Birth a baby which is half Elephant and half human being